Điện Biên leader inspects Storm Yagi preparedness in Mường Chà District

ĐBP – Trần Quốc Cường, member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of Điện Biên Provincial Party Committee, conducted an inspection of the preparations for Storm Yagi, the third storm of this year, in Mường Chà District on Saturday.

He was accompanied by Lò Văn Tiến, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

Điện Biên Provincial Party Secretary Trần Quốc Cường inspects the response plan for Storm Yagi at Mường Mươn 2 Village, Mường Mươn Commune in Mường Chà District.

Cường visited Mường Mươn 2 Village in Mường Mươn Commune and Huổi Lèng Commune to assess the district's disaster preparedness efforts.

At Mường Mươn Commune, local authority reported that the commune strictly implemented the directives from the Provincial and District People’s Committees.

Task forces were established in all villages to inform residents about the severity and dangers of Storm Yagi, advising them to avoid unnecessary outings and to refrain from staying in temporary shelters in fields during the storm period from September 8- 9.

The commune prepared response teams and plans to deal with the storm's aftermath, encouraging residents living in areas prone to landslides to relocate to safer temporary shelters.

Cường urged Mường Mươn Commune to prioritise the relocation of households from areas at risk of landslides, flash floods, and mudslides. He also emphasised the need to prepare adequate food, supplies, and necessary equipment to assist residents and ensure response teams were on standby to provide aid when needed.

In the event of challenges beyond local capacity, the District Party Committee and People's Committee must promptly report to the provincial authorities for support and solutions to minimise damage caused by natural disasters.

Điện Biên Provincial Party Secretary Trần Quốc Cường inspects storm response in Huổi Tóng 1 and Huổi Tóng 2 villages in Huổi Lèng Commune, Mường Chà District.

The same day, the Provincial Party Secretary inspected the preparations for the storm in Huổi Lèng Commune.

Currently, Huổi Lèng has two landslide-prone areas, each spanning 1-2 kilometres, with an estimated volume of several million cubic metres of soil and rock. These areas are particularly concerning in Huổi Tóng 1 and Huổi Tóng 2 villages, where 98 households reside directly below the landslide-prone zones.

Following the directives of the provincial and district authorities, the Huổi Lèng Commune People’s Committee prepared a relocation plan for 98 households in case of worsening natural disasters.

Temporary shelters were arranged in schools and community centres to accommodate the households and response teams were on standby to assist with evacuation.

Additionally, Mường Chà District is implementing a resettlement project to relocate all 98 households from Huổi Tóng 1 and Huổi Tóng 2.

Cường directed Mường Chà District to identify suitable land and expedite the progress of the resettlement project for the two villages. He emphasised that resettlement areas must be large enough and constructed in accordance with local ethnic traditions and customs.

Local authorities must ensure that all households are promptly relocated to safe areas and prevent any residents from remaining in landslide-prone zones, he said.

By Phạm Trung

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