Điện Biên to collaborate with Japan in training and employing young workers

ĐBP - Trần Quốc Cường, Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and Secretary of Điện Biên Province's Party Committee, welcomed a delegation from Japanese associations and the International Cooperation Service Joint Stock Company (CICS) on Sunday. The meeting focused on discussions regarding cooperation in training and employing young workers from Điện Biên, aiming to strengthen workforce development and enhance opportunities for youth in both countries.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Trần Quốc Cường (right) meets with representatives from Japanese associations and CICS.

Also in attendance were Mùa A Vảng, Alternate Member of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Việt Nam Fatherland Front, and Giàng Thị Hoa, member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee and Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council.

The Japanese delegation was led by Momosaki Masato, Chairman of the Nippon Sakura Business Foundation; Fukuda Mitsumasa, Chairman of the Kansai Silver Service Association; and Yamada Yuji, Executive Director of the Japan Asia Welfare Medical Association, along with a leader from CICS.

During the meeting, Momosaki Masato expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and introduced the delegation's initiatives in training Vietnamese personnel and hosting

Vietnamese interns in Japan. He emphasised Japan's increasing demand for young workers, particularly in healthcare, construction, and industry.

The delegation expressed their strong interest in collaborating with Điện Biên Province to develop local human resources, with the goal of sending young workers to Japan for training and employment opportunities. Representatives from CICS also presented proposals for Japanese language training programmes tailored for students in Điện Biên.

In his remarks, Secretary Cường outlined Điện Biên Province’s geographical features, socio-economic development, and potential, highlighting opportunities for cooperation in workforce training.

Secretary Cường (fourth right) presents the delegation with signature agricultural products from Điện Biên Province.

He noted that many young workers from the province are currently employed in major cities across Việt Nam, but often in unskilled positions. The provincial authorities are committed to creating opportunities for students to gain valuable knowledge and skills abroad, allowing them to return and contribute to local development.

With Japan actively seeking labour, Secretary Cường highlighted the strong potential for mutual cooperation. He emphasised that students from Điện Biên are hardworking, as demonstrated by the high university acceptance rates. He cited a recent Japanese language class where 26 out of 33 students were deemed qualified to work as interpreters, despite many being from ethnic minority backgrounds.

Additionally, Secretary Cường shared that Điện Biên Province is in the process of establishing a practice-oriented university, with a focus on healthcare. This institution aims to attract students not only from Điện Biên but also from neighbouring areas. He suggested that this university could collaborate with Japanese associations to facilitate the education and employment of its students in Japan.

The secretary expressed optimism that in the future, more students from Điện Biên would have the opportunity to study and train in countries like Japan, enabling them to bring their expertise back to their homeland and contribute to its growth.

An Chi

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