Điện Biên Phủ Strives for a Minimum Economic Growth Rate of 10.5% in 2024

ĐBP - The 20th session of the 14th Provincial Party Committee took place on July 5, bringing together key provincial leaders to discuss important issues.

Among the attendees were Comrade Trần Quốc Cường, a member of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Secretary; Comrade Mùa A Sơn, the Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; and Comrade Lê Thành Đô, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee. The meeting was co-chaired by these prominent figures.

Trần Quốc Cường, Central Committee Member, Provincial Party Secretary, speaks at the 20th Provincial Party Committee meeting.

The meeting discussed and provided opinions on several important topics. These included the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the measures to ensure national defense and security for the first six months of the year, along with key tasks and solutions for the last six months of 2024. Additionally, the meeting addressed the execution of local budget revenue and expenditure tasks for the first half of the year, proposing major solutions for managing local budget estimates for the remainder of the year. The Provincial Party Committee's performance and key tasks and solutions for the latter half of 2024 were also reviewed. Furthermore, the meeting evaluated the results of activities commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Điện Biên Phủ Victory and discussed the amendment and supplementation of the working regulations of the 14th Provincial Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term.

Mùa A Sơn, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, speaks at the meeting.

Regarding the implementation of socio-economic development tasks for the first six months, representatives from Điện Biên Phủ City highlighted several causes for the slow progress in site clearance and public investment disbursement. These included inadequate quality of personnel, lack of coordination in task implementation, and the fact that the city's general plan had not been approved, which subsequently affected investment in projects and urban development.

In terms of production development and project implementation to support production, many opinions suggested that the responsibility of officials and party members, particularly members of the District Party Executive Committee, should be closely tied to production models at the grassroots level to ensure effective direction, management, and implementation. Emphasis should be placed on developing key agricultural crop production models in each locality, forming specialised farming areas, and creating concentrated raw material zones.

Participants at the meeting.

Regarding tourism development, some opinions suggested that the province should focus on key investments in Điện Biên Phủ City for environmental landscaping and urban development, recognise tourist sites in districts, and establish mechanisms to support community tourism development. Additionally, the province should support and urge investors when implementing projects outside the budget.

Leaders of various departments and sectors recommended that districts accelerate the implementation of general planning, swiftly complete investment procedures for projects to expedite implementation, and increase public investment disbursement rates. They also emphasised the need to resolve issues related to site clearance to ensure the smooth implementation of projects and avoid capital loss. For projects outside the budget, districts should closely coordinate with investors during implementation.

Regarding tourism development, leaders from the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism advised that districts closely follow the Provincial Party Committee's Resolution and the province's tourism development plans, and effectively implement proposals within their areas.

Nguyễn Minh Phú, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, speaks at the meeting.

In conclusion, Comrade Mùa A Sơn, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, requested that in the final six months of the year, the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee directs authorities at all levels and sectors to address limitations and weaknesses in socio-economic development tasks. Particular emphasis should be placed on the implementation of medium-term investment projects funded by central and local sources, as well as projects financed by non-state capital sources. A detailed timeline should be constructed to effectively implement the economic growth scenario plan for the last six months of 2024, aiming for an economic growth rate of at least 10.5 per cent for the year.

Drastic measures should be implemented to ensure local budget revenue, manage budget expenditure tightly and economically in accordance with regulations, prevent wastefulness, and improve budget use efficiency. The disbursement of public investment capital, particularly the capital for national target programmes, should be accelerated to ensure a disbursement rate of over 95 per cent. The Party Committees, authorities at all levels, and armed forces should continue to perform well in national defence and security tasks, enhance foreign activities, and maintain political stability and national border sovereignty.

Regarding Party building and the political system, efforts should continue to implement the Party organisation and membership development project and strive to complete the administrative unit arrangement. The cadre work process should be strictly implemented, and Directive No. 35-CT/TW, dated 14 June 2024, of the Politburo on Party Congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress should be thoroughly understood and implemented. The 2024 internal affairs and anti-corruption programmes, as well as the 2024 mass mobilisation programme, should be effectively carried out.

Phạm Trung

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