"The U Va Legend" real-life show offers a captivating glimpse into the rich history and unique folk dances of the ethnic Thái culture. Lasting nearly 40 minutes, the performance is intricately woven with traditional stilt houses and everyday items emblematic of the Thái community.
The show unfolds in three compelling chapters. Chapter I delves into the ancient origins of the Thái people, often recounted through the revered "mother gourd legend." Chapter II intricately weaves the tale of the Piêu scarf and the enchanting ban flowers. Finally, Chapter III resounds with the vibrant celebration of the Xên Pang Festival, an enduring symbol of the Thái people's cultural heritage and the timeless bond between past and present.
Each chapter vividly portrays the age-old traditions of the Thái people, including their elaborate wedding ceremonies, the melodic hạn khuống festivals, and the cherished tằng cẩu ritual of gathering women's hair into elegant buns.
The live performance of "The U Va Legend" takes place at 8pm on April 30, May 1, 2, 3, and 7, at the U Va Village cultural house in Noong Luống Commune, Điện Biên District. Initially showcased during the Ban Flower Festival and the opening ceremony of the National Tourism Year – Điện Biên 2024, the show has garnered enthusiastic support from both locals and tourists alike.
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