Điện Biên works on the prepation for the 4th Congress for Ethnic Minorities

ĐBP – Vice Chairman of the Điện Biên Provincial People's Committee Lò Văn Tiến requested that the Steering Committee for the provincial Congress of Ethnic Minorities continue to work closely with the provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs to ensure thorough preparation for the 4th Provincial Congress of Ethnic Minorities in 2024. Tiến, who is also head of the Steering Committee, made this request while presiding over a meeting to review and implement the congress preparations on Tuesday.

 Lò Văn Tiến, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee and head of the Steering Committee for the provincial Congress of Ethnic Minorities chairs the meeting.

During the meeting, based on the central government's directives and the guidelines from the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs, the provincial People's Committee issued a decision to establish the Steering Committee, subcommittees to assist the Steering Committee, and assigned related agencies to guide localities in the implementation process.

As of now, all 10 districts, towns, and cities have successfully organised their district-level Ethnic Minorities Congresses.

The provincial-level congress is scheduled to take place in November 2024 at the provincial Cultural Conference Centre, with 250 official delegates representing diverse ethnicities and genders.

The proposed list of personnel includes a 9-member Presidium, a 3-member Credential Verification Committee, and a 2-member Secretariat.

The congress will also feature activities such as offering incense in memory of martyrs at the Điện Biên Phủ Battlefield Martyrs Temple, visiting the A1 Martyrs Cemetery, touring the Điện Biên Phủ Historical Victory Museum, attending an art performance at the Điện Biên Phủ Victory Monument, and visiting and giving gifts to policy families who belong to ethnic minorities.

Additionally, there will be a One Commune One Product (OCOP) exhibition at the congress.

A representative from the Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs presenting the preparation work for the congress at the meeting.

During the meeting, the delegates focused on discussing and reaching consensus on several aspects of the congress, including the official delegate count, the political report presentation, dissemination efforts, commendation work, and necessary conditions to ensure the congress's success.

Vice Chairman Tiến requested that the provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs take into account all the opinions expressed during the meeting and promptly review and finalise the documents by September 10 for reporting to the Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee members were also urged to continue coordinating with the provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs to fulfill their assigned tasks and ensure successful preparations for the 4th Provincial Congress of Ethnic Minorities in 2024.

By Minh Thảo

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