Each drop of sweat shed on the training ground reflects the enthusiasm, determination, and the enduring image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers.
This year, Infantry Battalion 1 is tasked with training 300 new recruits from various localities across the province. After familiarizing themselves with military discipline, routines, and lessons on unit traditions and the proud history of the Vietnam People’s Army, the recruits officially set foot on the training field.
With the spirit of “Being not afraid of the sun and rain, practicing passionately day and night on the field,” the young soldiers are committed to overcoming hardships and focusing intently on each training session. Under the close guidance of commanding officers, recruits learning to handle weapons for the first time gradually master breathing control, aiming techniques, and develop stronger psychological resilience. The sweat on their faces and the dust-covered uniforms vividly illustrate their determination and dedication.
Following the motto “Fundamental, practical, firm,” the battalion organizes training progressively from basic to advanced, simple to complex, with a strong emphasis on practical application. From individual movements to team coordination, the soldiers are thoroughly trained. In addition to ensuring the quality of training, the battalion prioritizes safety for both personnel and equipment. Morale-boosting activities such as reading sessions and cultural exchanges are also incorporated to uplift spirits and foster enthusiasm among the recruits.
As the days go by, the new recruits grow more mature, resilient, and disciplined. Despite sunburned faces and dust-streaked uniforms, their strides and movements clearly show remarkable improvement. Each moment on the training ground shapes steadfast, brave, and capable soldiers - true to the legacy of Uncle Ho’s army.
Here are several photos of their training:
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