Party Inspection Committees from Laos Visit Điện Biên Provincial Party Committee

ĐBP — On September 17, the Party Inspection Committee and Inspectorate from three provinces of Laos paid a courtesy visit to the Standing Committee of the Điện Biên Provincial Party. During the visit, they exchanged information on the socio-economic, security, and political situations of Điện Biên Province and the Lao provinces of Phongsaly, Oudomxay, and Luang Prabang.

An overview of the working session.

Leaders of Điện Biên Province who received and worked with the delegation included Mùa A Sơn, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Nguyễn Sỹ Quân, Member of the Standing Committee and Chairman of the Provincial Party Committee's Inspection Commission; Lò Văn Tiến, Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; and various leaders from provincial departments.

Standing Deputy Secretary Sơn expressed pleasure in welcoming the Lao representatives. He noted that their visit and working session is a significant activity aimed at strengthening the friendship and cooperation between Điện Biên Province and the three Lao provinces, thereby fostering the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Việt Nam and Laos.

Mùa A Sơn, Standing Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, give presents to representatives from Laos’ Phongsaly, Oudomxay and Luang Prabang provinces.

Sơn informed the Lao inspectors about the outstanding results achieved by Điện Biên Province in recent years. From 2022 to 2024, the province's average Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) grew by over seven per cent annually, with an increase of 8.75 per cent in the first six months of this year. The average income reached VNĐ42 million (approximately US$1,700) per person per year.

The province's infrastructure has been progressively completed and accelerated, with several key projects finished, positively impacting growth.

Sơn urged the Điện Biên Provincial Party Committee's Inspection Commission and the Lao inspectors to actively educate locals about the revolutionary tradition, special friendship, solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties and States, as well as between Điện Biên Province and Laos’ Phongsaly, Oudomxay, and Luang Prabang provinces.

He suggested regularly organising meetings to exchange information and share professional and technical expertise in inspection and discipline work for the Party and State inspectorate. Additionally, they should proactively advise the Party committees and authorities of the provinces to enhance cooperation effectiveness across all fields.

Representatives of the two countries offered incenses to commemorate heroic martyrs at the Điện Biên Phủ Battlefield Martyrs' Temple.

The inspection leaders expressed their satisfaction with the achievements made by the Party Committee, government, and people of all ethnic groups in Điện Biên Province. They believe that in the future, Điện Biên will continue to attain further successes in socio-economic development while ensuring national defense and security.

The friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Điện Biên Province and the Lao provinces of Phongsaly, Oudomxay, and Luang Prabang are expected to be increasingly consolidated and enhanced.

On the same day, representatives from both countries paid their respects by offering incense to commemorate the heroic martyrs at the Điện Biên Phủ Battlefield Martyrs' Temple and the Tông Khao Martyrs' Cemetery.

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