Enhancing effectiveness of Party building work

ĐBP - The implementation of the campaign “Studying and following the thoughts, morality, and lifestyle of President Hồ Chí Minh” in the Pá Khoang commune’s Party Committee (Điện Biên Phủ city, Điện Biên province) has become a widespread movement, creating a positive shift in the awareness and actions of Party members, officials, and people.

As a result, it has gradually improved the effectiveness of Party building work, ensuring a clean and strong government, and contributing to the socio-economic development of the area.

The Pá Khoang commune’s Party Committee has focused on practical, specific actions when studying and following President Hồ Chí Minh’s thoughts, morality, and lifestyle. In terms of information dissemination, alongside promoting the role of Party cells and branches, the commune’s Party Committee assigns key officials and Party members to engage directly with local residents, listen to their opinions, suggestions, and needs. It also emphasizes the importance of linking the study of Hồ Chí Minh’s thoughts with regular meetings and thematic discussions within the Party cells and mass organizations.

Based on specific tasks, the Party organization and its members build clear, concise, and easily remembered standards based on President Hồ Chí Minh’s example, with a focus on practical action, ensuring that words align with deeds, and improving the quality and effectiveness of work. Efforts are made to identify and replicate exemplary models from the people and mass organizations.

A member of the Pá Khoang commune’s Youth Union visits a local economic development model run by a union member’s family.

Phan Trung Dũng, Secretary of the Pá Khoang commune’s Party Committee, stated: “The Party Committee has developed a plan to thoroughly educate and implement the study and following of President Hồ Chí Minh’s thoughts. We have guided officials, Party members, and public servants to create individual action plans, with study outcomes serving as annual evaluation criteria." The campaign to study and follow President Hồ Chí Minh’s example has helped officials, Party members, and workers gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental contents and immense value of President Hồ Chí Minh’s thoughts, making it a regular, voluntary task for each individual.

Additionally, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee and mass organizations in the commune have intensified efforts to encourage local residents, especially union members, to develop household economies, eliminate poverty, apply scientific advancements, and shift agricultural practices.

To date, the campaign to study and follow President Hồ Chí Minh’s teachings in the Pá Khoang commune’s Party Committee has created a widespread impact among Party members, with concrete actions supporting various patriotic emulation movements. Notable examples include officials and public servants changing their attitudes, work style, and communication culture to be more dedicated, polite, and responsive to the people; the youth union taking the lead in road building, applying science to production, and boosting economic development.

Thanks to the efforts of the Party organization, local authorities, and cooperation of local people, Pá Khoang commune has met all 19 criteria for building a new-style rural area. The average per capita income has surpassed VNĐ 42 million per year, 14 out of 16 villages have been recognized as cultural villages, and 83.32% of households are considered cultural families. National defense and security have been maintained, social order is ensured, and the people’s quality of life has steadily improved.

According to Phan Trung Dũng, in the future, the Pá Khoang commune’s Party Committee will continue to lead and implement efforts to enhance the study and following of President Hồ Chí Minh’s thoughts, ethics, and lifestyle. The focus will be on educating Party members to set an example in performing their duties, fostering a healthy, virtuous lifestyle, ensuring that words align with deeds. The Party Committee will also aim to identify and promote exemplary individuals and groups to further spread the campaign throughout the commune.

Thùy Trang

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