Chairman of Điện Biên Provincial People's Committee inspects the Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ primary school project

ĐBP – Deputy Secretary of the Điện Biên Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lê Thành Đô has directed relevant agencies and units to urgently complete the construction of the Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ Primary School project.

This project, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Điện Biên Phủ Victory, is to be finished before the start of the new academic year.

He issued the directive while inspecting the progress of Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ Primary School project on Tuesday.

Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Lê Thành Đô instructs relevant authorities to reinforce the corridors to ensure safety and aesthetic quality.


The Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ Primary School is among projects marking the 70th anniversary of the Điện Biên Phủ Victory, with a total investment of VNĐ70 billion. Of that, Hà Nội provided VNĐ65 billion and Điện Biên Province contributed the rest of VNĐ5 billion.

The project involves the construction of three new multi-story buildings, including a 4-story building, a 3-story building, and a 2-story building. It comprises 30 classrooms, 6 specialised classrooms, an administrative office, and additional support rooms.

The school will also feature a newly built multi-purpose hall and supplementary facilities. The existing 2-story building will be renovated and repurposed as a kitchen and dining hall for day-boarding students.

The school will also be equipped with modern learning facilities, standardised office equipment, fire prevention and control systems, and an internet network.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lê Thành Đô inspects learning equipment at a classroom.

After nine months of expedited construction, the Provincial People's Committee held the inauguration ceremony for the renovation and upgrade of the Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ Primary School on April 25.

However, some documentation related to fire prevention and control, as well as the quality inspection for project handover, has yet to be completed.

Following an on-site inspection, Đô directed the project’s Management Board to promptly fulfill the requirements set by the relevant authorities to complete the fire prevention and control documentation.

He also instructed the management board to finalise and submit the quality inspection reports for the project’s construction to the Department of Construction for evaluation.

Additionally, he requested that the Department of Construction form an inspection team to assess, approve, and put the project into use.

The project’s investor was required to supplement all necessary documents and procedures as demanded by the authorities and immediately address any structural issues that compromise safety, particularly concerning the corridor system in the classrooms.

Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Lê Thành Đô inspects the functional rooms of the Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ Primary School.

Regarding the corridor system, the project Management Board and the People's Committee of Điện Biên Phủ City were instructed to promptly agree on a design model and implement the reinforcement work to ensure safety and aesthetic harmony with the overall project design.

Đô emphasised that all involved agencies and units must enhance their responsibilities, actively coordinate, and efficiently execute their tasks simultaneously.

The project must be completed before September 4, he stressed.

He also reminded the school’s management board to organise the new school year opening as planned./.

By Phạm Trung

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