Urgent action needed to disburse poverty reduction funds

ĐBP - The implementation of the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction for the 2021-2025 period, which comprises seven component projects and eleven sub-projects, is facing difficulties in fund disbursement in several communes of Điện Biên district, Điện Biên province. Multiple factors have contributed to the prolonged capital backlog in the area.

Trần Thế Hoàn, Chairman of the Noong Luống Commune People’s Committee, stated that over VNĐ 1 billion allocated for the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction from previous years remains undisbursed, as no funds have been allocated for 2025 yet. The key issue causing this backlog is the challenge in providing livestock for projects focused on livelihood diversification, poverty reduction models, production support, and nutrition improvement. Surveys conducted within the province and neighboring provinces such as Lai Châu, Sơn La, and Hòa Bình indicate that no suppliers currently meet the requirements set by the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry.

Many impoverished households in Noong Luống commune lack the resources to build livestock housing and the knowledge to raise breeding deer, making support programs difficult to implement.

According to Official Dispatch No.2196/SNN-CNTYTS dated September 19, 2023, issued by the Điện Biên provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development regarding guidelines on livestock breeding and trading, as well as Official Dispatch No.69/SNN-CPPTNT&KTTT on the implementation of production support activities under the national target programs for 2024, all production support projects must comply with the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry. Breeding stock production facilities must meet the conditions outlined in Article 55 of the law, adhere to farm-based livestock regulations, implement appropriate quality management systems, and declare applicable standards for livestock breeds.

Additionally, core breeding facilities and training centers for livestock breeding must employ technical staff with at least a university degree in animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, or biology. Parent stock breeding facilities for pigs, poultry, and other breeding populations must also maintain comprehensive breed records specifying breed names, origin, quantity, and key economic-technical indicators as per Clause 2, Article 22 of the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry.

In Noong Luống commune, most impoverished and near-poor households prefer support in the form of breeding stock, such as buffalo and cattle, to develop household economies. Clause 4, Article 20 of the Government’s Decree No.38/2023/NĐ-CP prioritizes using locally produced plant varieties, livestock, and other goods and services for project implementation. The purchase price for these goods and services is determined based on the local market price at the time of purchase and must be verified by the commune-level People’s Committee through a purchase receipt.

Officials from the Điện Biên district’s Division of Agriculture and Rural Development inspecting a fruit tree plantation project in Hẹ Muông commune.

Under the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction (2021-2025), Noong Luống commune is expected to support over 50 impoverished and near-poor households annually with access to capital for economic development. However, as the commune chairman noted, fund disbursement has been stalled due to regulatory obstacles and the inability to find breeding stock suppliers that comply with the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry. This has resulted in a significant backlog of funds, leading to inefficient capital utilization.

The slow disbursement of funds, causing them to roll over year after year, is a widespread issue in communes across Điện Biên district, particularly regarding the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction. Lê Duy Hưng, Chairman of the Noong Hẹt Commune People’s Committee, reported that VNĐ 839 million from the program remains “frozen” with no allocation yet for 2025. In Project 2 and Project 7, which focus on livelihood diversification, poverty reduction models, communication, and information-based poverty alleviation, 95% of the funds are designated for production support. The commune has actively promoted awareness among residents about these support policies.

Nevertheless, most beneficiaries prefer breeding stock, such as buffalo and cattle, over crop seedlings. According to Hưng, this preference is due to the commune’s limited agricultural land, which is unsuitable for fruit or medicinal plant cultivation. Additionally, impoverished and near-poor households lack the capital to invest in housing and the knowledge to raise breeding deer, making buffalo and cattle a more viable option.

Field surveys reveal that most residents in Điện Biên district prefer support in the form of breeding buffalo and cattle.

To address these challenges in implementing the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction, Điện Biên district has submitted reports to the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. The department’s response reaffirmed that production support under the national target programs should prioritize locally sourced plant varieties and livestock to maximize available resources and enhance production efficiency. However, all breeding stock must still comply with relevant production and trading regulations. Circular No.04/2022/TT-BNNPTNT provides guidance on implementing agricultural production support under Sub-Project 1 of Project 3, as stipulated in Decision No.90/QĐ-TTg dated January 18, 2022, by the Prime Minister. This means that all livestock distribution must adhere to the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry and relevant regulatory documents.

With limited time remaining for the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction (2021-2025), it is imperative to resolve these regulatory obstacles and accelerate the disbursement of allocated funds. Without concrete solutions, the backlog of funds could worsen, leading to further inefficiencies in investment.

Quang Hùng

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