Delegates at the press conference to announce the socio-economic data in the province last year.
According to the press release from the Statistical Office of Dien Bien Province, in 2024, the socio-economic situation in the province achieved many positive results.
The Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of the province reached VNĐ 16,263.22 billion, an increase of 8.51% compared to the same period last year.
In this regard: The agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sector reached VNĐ 2,549.6 billion, showing a 4.06% increase; the industry and construction sector got VNĐ 3,489.77 billion, with a 0.66% rise; and the service sector earned VNĐ 9,529.97 billion, up 13.08% year-on-year.
The province’s economic growth rate was quite good, compared to other provinces in the region, ranking 6th out of 14 provinces in the region and 18th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide.
At the same time, agricultural production witnessed positive growth. The entire province cultivated 106,360.13 hectares of annual crops, an increase of 3.63% in comparison to 2023. The total grain output in 2024 could reach 286,976.29 tons, up 0.51% compared to the previous year and exceeding the set plan by 1.43%.
Meanwhile, the livestock sector developed stably; prevention and control of livestock and poultry diseases were strengthened; forestry production focused on forestry protection, forest fire prevention, and reforestation projects; and the aquatic farming, exploitation and processing are maintained effectively.
The province’s industrial production index (IIP) continued its positive growth pace with an increase of 22.43% compared to the previous year, with electricity production and distribution increasing by 46.96% and processing and manufacturing industry up 6.43%.
The total retail sales of goods and consumer service revenue increased by 24.77% compared to the previous year. Passenger transportation activities increased by 51.65%, and passenger circulation increased by 51.27% compared to the previous year; the transportation of goods increased by 18.4%, and goods circulation increased by 18.27%.
In the construction sector, the added value in 2024 compared to price in 2010 reached VNĐ 2,250 billion, which is quite high, but it decreased by 8.32% compared to the same period last year. The reason is that the construction sector had significant growth in 2023 (with many key programs and projects, especially the expansion project of Điện Biên Airport).
Last year, the total investment capital for development in the province experienced a low growth, estimated at VNĐ 17,318.79 billion, a decrease of 4.36% compared to 2023. Specifically: Investment capital implemented from the State budget managed by the province in 2024 reached 84.87% of the plan and decreased by 11.27%.
The state budget revenue estimated for 2024 is set to increase by 3.57%; state budget expenditure is expected to increase by 2.98%.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) on average increased by 0.75% compared to the same period in 2023. Among them, there are 8 groups of goods with increased price indexes, including: Food and foodstuff service (1.52%); beverages and tobacco (1.2%); clothing, hats, and footwear (0.85%); housing, electricity, water, fuel, and construction materials (1.65%); household equipment and goods (1.4%); medicines and healthcare services (6.91%); cultural, entertainment, and tourism services (0.23%); other consumer goods and services (2.96%).
However, three groups that showed a decrease were transportation (1.26%), post and telecommunications (0.62%), and education (9.37%).
In 2024, the multidimensional poverty rate (according to the multidimensional poverty standard for the period 2022-2025) of the entire province was 21.29%, a decrease of 4.39% compared to 2023 (equivalent to a decrease of 5,595 poor households).
During the year of 2024, local Party organizations and authorities at all levels in Điện Biên Province effectively implemented policies to ensure people’s life quality, create jobs, and increase income for labors, significantly contributing to improving the living standards of the people.
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