Điện Biên degelations offers incense at historical sites in Quảng Trị

ĐBP – A delegation from Điện Biên Province, led by Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vừ A Bằng, on Tuesday laid wreaths and offered incense at cemeteries and historical sites in Quảng Trị Province on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of Vietnamese War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2024).

During their journey of gratitude in Quảng Trị Province, the delegation laid wreaths and offered incense at the Trường Sơn National Martyrs' Cemetery and the Road 9 National Martyrs' Cemetery.

The Trường Sơn National Martyrs' Cemetery in Gio Linh District is the resting place of over 10,000 martyrs, while the Road 9 National Martyrs' Cemetery in Đông Hà City is the resting place of nearly 11,000 martyrs. Both cemeteries are the final resting places for heroic martyrs from across the country who bravely sacrificed their lives during the resistance against the US for national salvation.

At these cemeteries, the delegation offered incense at the Memorial for Heroic Martyrs and at the gravesites of martyrs from Điện Biên and Lai Châu provinces. On behalf of the Party Committee, authorities and people of Điện Biên Province, the delegation expressed immense gratitude for the tremendous contributions of previous generations who dedicated their youth and sacrificed their lives for the nation's independence, freedom, and the people's happiness.

In front of the heroic martyrs' spirits, Deputy Chairman Bằng pledged to continue promoting the revolutionary tradition, strengthening the great unity bloc, promoting democracy, and boosting labuor and production movements, determined to build an increasingly developed and modern Điện Biên homeland.

On the same day, the delegation also offered incense and paid tribute to the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the 81-day-and-night battle to defend the Quảng Trị Ancient Citadel in 1972 and offered incense and flowers on the southern bank of the Thạch Hãn River.

On this occasion, Điện Biên Province donated VNĐ30 million (US$1,180) to the Gratitude Fund of Quảng Trị Province.

Delegates from Điện Biên Province offer incense at the Trường Sơn National Martyrs' Cemetery in Quảng Trị Province.

The provincial leaders offer incense at the graves of martyrs from Điện Biên and Lai Châu Provinces.

The provincial leaders offer incense at the Road 9 National Martyrs' Cemetery.

The provincial leaders and members of the delegation offer incense and flowers at the Road 9 National Martyrs' Cemetery.

Điện Biên delegation offer incense and paid tribute to the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives at the Quảng Trị Ancient Citadel.

Delegates listen to a presentation about the sacrifices made by heroic martyrs in the battle to defend the Quảng Trị Ancient Citadel.

The provincial leaders ring bells in prayer for the heroic martyrs at the Quảng Trị Ancient Citadel.

Điện Biên Province donates VNĐ30 million to the Gratitude Fund of Quảng Trị Province.


By Phạm Quang

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