In response, the Mường Lay Town People's Committee on Monday has swiftly mobilised local forces to assist local farmers in harvesting the rice.
Chui Văn Thành, Vice Chairman of the Mường Lay Town’s People's Committee, said that: “The rising water has directly affected the rice fields, which are already ready for harvest, belonging to ten households. These are semi-submerged fields, cultivated when the reservoir was at low water levels”.
“About 60 officers, soldiers, and members of the police, military, militia, and youth union were deployed to help the residents with the harvesting," he said.
With an urgent and focused approach, officers, soldiers, and youth union members worked for hours in deep water.
By Monday morning, all affected rice fields had been harvested.
Earlier, in anticipation of Storm Yagi, the committee instructed agencies and units to proactively review equipment and resources to be ready for any possible situations.
Forces were deployed to continuously monitor residential areas and high-risk locations for landslides and flash floods, providing instructions and guidance to ensure the safety of lives and minimise property damage.
Some rice fields are submerged, with water reaching chest height.
Officers and soldiers of Mường Lay Town's Military Command help residents harvest rice.
Rain continues throughout the harvesting.
Support teams use boats to transport the rice from flooded areas to the residents' homes.
Local militia assist with the rice harvest.
Military officers also harvest the fields that are not yet flooded, with the motto “better safe than sorry.”
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