Điện Biên prioritises accelerating land clearance for relocation plan

ĐBP – Điện Biên has actively pursued a focused initiative to accelerate land clearance, facilitating the execution of the plan for investing in the construction and relocation of provincial offices to the political and administrative center of the province. The Steering Committee overseeing the plan provided comprehensive updates during a conference held on January 25.

Trần Quốc Cường, Central Party Committee Member, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and head of the Steering Committee delivers a speech at the conference.

Key attendees included Trần Quốc Cường, a Central Party Committee Member, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Head of the Steering Committee; Mùa A Sơn, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Lê Thành Đô, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; and Lò Văn Phương, a Member of the Provincial Party Committee cum Chairman of the Provincial People's Council.

Lê Thành Đô, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee speaks at the conference.

During the conference, the provincial People's Committee presented a report on the plan for investing in the construction and relocation of provincial offices to the political and administrative center, encompassing a total of 15 projects. Among these, two projects focus on resettlement and land clearance, three are related to urban infrastructure, and 10 are dedicated to constructing headquarters.

Currently, two projects have been successfully completed and are operational, while four are actively under construction, adhering to the outlined schedule. However, eight projects are experiencing delays.

Following the steering committee meeting on December 13, 2023, several positive developments have transpired. An additional five options for the investment project, aimed at constructing a resettlement area, have received approval, covering an area of nearly 15,000 square meters. The dynamic road project has conducted a census, registering an additional count of 148 out of 291 households. The Provincial Guesthouse project has achieved 37 percent progress, and the initiation of the Provincial People's Court headquarters project is underway.

Phạm Đức Toàn, Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Permanent Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, reported on the progress of the plan.

The conference addressed the difficulties and challenges encountered in the implementation of the plan. Notably, the province is grappling with issues related to fund allocation, as the allocated capital for projects in 2023 amounts to VNĐ565 billion, falling short of the approximate capital demand of VNĐ876 billion.

Compensation and site clearance activities for numerous projects are facing hindrances due to their substantial workload. Ambiguities in legal regulations concerning investment, particularly regarding the separation of compensation and site clearance projects, further complicate matters.

Coordination efforts are currently insufficient, hindered by administrative procedures and a lack of proactive engagement in addressing tasks promptly. Some aspects of project appraisal lack effective coordination, contributing to the overall challenges faced during the implementation process.


Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Trần Quốc Cường, urged the Party Standing Committee, the Provincial People's Committee, and local authorities to redouble their efforts in completing the tasks associated with each project. He stressed the need to enhance inspection, evaluation, and clarification of the responsibilities of relevant agencies, units, and individuals in the event of any delays.

Specifically addressing Điện Biên Phủ City, Cường called for the identification of key tasks along with specific timelines. He placed special emphasis on close coordination with relevant agencies, investors, and construction units to expedite the site clearance process, prioritising projects in a predetermined order. Cường underscored the importance of promptly handing over cleared sites to investors for timely construction and urged the reporting of any matters exceeding authority in accordance with regulations.

By Văn Tâm

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