Điện Biên collaborates with Vestas on wind energy projects

ĐBP – The People's Committee of Điện Biên Province held a meeting on Thursday with Denmark’s Vestas Wind Systems A/S (Vestas) to discuss the development of the company's wind energy projects in Điện Biên and the next steps towards bringing these projects into commercial operation.

These projects are intended to increase and enhance the green and renewable energy capacity for Điện Biên Province and the northern regions of Việt Nam.

Delegates exchange ideas and discuss solutions to overcome challenges and advance the next steps for wind energy projects in Điện Biên Province.

The meeting was attended by Trần Quốc Cường, Member of the Central Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Lê Thành Đô, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the People's Committee of Điện Biên Province. Representing Vestas were Frank Sine, Vice President for the Asia-Pacific region; Jason Chua, Vice President for Asia; and Lê Đức Cường, Project Development Director for Việt Nam.
Vestas was authorised by the People's Committee of Điện Biên Province to conduct surveys and propose additional plans for two wind energy projects in the province, as outlined in Decision No. 1327/UBND-KT issued on May 6, 2022. These projects include the Mường Ảng Wind Power Plant, located in the communes of Ẳng Cang, Ẳng Nưa, and Nậm Lịch in Mường Ảng District; Mường Phăng Commune in Điện Biên Phủ City; and Pú Nhi Commune in Điện Biên Đông District. The second project is the Điện Biên Đông Wind Power Plant, located in the communes of Mường Lạn and Xuân Lao in Mường Ảng District, as well as Xa Dung, Phì Nhừ, and Mường Luân in Điện Biên Đông District.
Vestas has received approval from the Provincial People's Committee for the locations and sites for installing wind measurement towers to facilitate the research and survey of these wind power projects. The company has completed the installation of one wind measurement tower at the Mường Ảng Wind Power Plant in Pú Nhi Commune and another at the Điện Biên Đông Wind Power Plant in Phì Nhừ Commune, with wind measurements being conducted since November 2022.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Trần Quốc Cường and Chairman of the People's Committee Lê Thành Đô meet with the delegation from Vestas to discuss the progress of wind energy projects in the province.

Currently, the two wind power projects by Vestas in Điện Biên have not yet been approved under Power Development Plan No. 8 and its implementation schedule. To advance these projects, it is necessary to include them in the capacity list and integrate them into Power Development Plan No. 8 and its implementation roadmap.

To increase the allocation of wind power capacity for Điện Biên Province, the Provincial People's Committee has proposed that the Ministry of Industry and Trade incorporate a list of renewable energy development projects into the draft supplementary plan for the implementation of Power Development Plan No. 8. This proposal includes the Mường Ảng Wind Power Plant by Vestas, with a total capacity of 110 MW, and the Long Sơn - Điện Biên 2 Wind Power Plant, with a capacity of 100 MW.

Regarding Vestas' proposal for the Na Tống and Tìa Dình wind power projects, the Department of Industry and Trade has recommended that the company engage directly with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to include these projects and their capacities in the implementation plan of Power Development Plan No. 8.

The research and survey areas should be thoroughly evaluated to ensure they do not impact natural forests, residential areas, technical infrastructure, historical relics, scenic spots, border areas, or defence and security zones. Furthermore, these areas should not overlap or interfere with the research and survey scope of other projects already approved by the Provincial People's Committee.

The Department of Industry and Trade has been coordinating with relevant agencies to review and advise the Provincial People's Committee on approving the research and survey of the Na Tống Wind Power Plant and the Tìa Dình Wind Power Plant projects.

The delegation from Vestas, led by Frank Sine, Vice President for the Asia-Pacific region.

During the meeting, both sides concentrated on discussing solutions to overcome challenges and advance the next steps for the wind energy projects in the province. Based on research and surveys, Vestas assessed that Điện Biên Province possesses significant potential and advantages for developing wind energy projects and expressed a strong desire to proceed with these initiatives.

The Provincial People's Committee reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the company and will continue to engage with the Government and the Ministry of Industry and Trade to ensure these renewable energy projects are included in the draft plan for the supplementary implementation of Power Development Plan No. 8. This inclusion will provide a solid foundation for the execution of Vestas' projects.

Regarding the two additional projects proposed by the company in Tìa Dình and Na Tống communes, the committee will instruct relevant agencies to assist the company in completing the necessary procedures and will closely coordinate to facilitate the implementation of the projects.

By Nhật Phương

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